Saturday, 1 February 2014

In my sketchbook: 01/02/14

 I've finally started to get back into drawing again after Renegade prep, uni work and Christmas all got in the way! I've had a quiet week or so so I've been pushing myself to try and get some drawing done (you might remember my post about ways to get myself inspired).
Patterns have featured heavily in sketchbook as normal, and I'm also experimenting a bit with anthropomorphism (which might be feeding into my next uni project very soon), mainly because I wanted to draw something that combined both animals with pretty patterns: animals in patterned clothing of course! To start off with I printed off some miniature versions of the animals I've drawn before, stuck them onto the pages of my sketchbook and drew on the bodies.
Of course these aren't all of the drawings I've done, but they're the ones I'm happy enough with to share here with you!

I also spent a few hours attempting to sketch some hands as they are certainly not my strong point, but I forgot to photograph those so they will instead be in the next "In my sketchbook" post (which will hopefully be happening more often now that I'm drawing again!).

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